10 Appalling Experiments Conducted on Humans

Unethical Human Experimentation

The atrocities carried out by some of these doctors, scientists and political groups are horrifying, but sadly, human experiments are a very real part of our history.

These are just a handful of the most famous instances of exploitation—some that have paved the way for change.

hospital and Auschwitz kids split image

Who were the subjects?

At one point, inmates, the disabled, the physically and mentally sick, and the poor were all groups once considered fair game to use as subjects in research experiments.

People in hospital bed next to nurses

Digital museum, Picryl

Did they need permission?

No permission was necessary. Most researchers didn’t bother getting permission, and many doctors performed experiments on unwilling or unknowing subjects.

Woman in hospital bed.

Digital museum, Picryl

When did the rules change?

During the 1970s, the U.S. Congress changed the rules. Informed consent is now required for any government-funded medical studies that involve human subjects.

A doctor in his office showing an informed consent document

nito, Shutterstock


For many, many years, outrageous experiments were performed on humans with very little ethics involved. The exploitation and mistreatment were alarmingly high.

Here are 10 of the most appalling human-tested experiments.

Patient in hospital bed next to a nurse.

Digital museum, Picryl