Eerie Photos Of The World’s Most Bizarre Ghost Town

The Sands Of Time

Rising out of the sands of the Namib Desert is an eerie remnant of another time. The town of Kolmanskop was once a bustling, prosperous German settlement. Now it's slowly being swallowed by sand. What happened?

Rocks In The Desert

In 1908, a Namibian worker named Zacharias Lewala found some large, interesting stones while working at a railway station. He had a feeling they might be diamonds, so he showed them to his supervisor.

Kolmanskop ghost mining town, Namibia - 2014

jbdodane, Flickr

Ancient Dunes

The Namib Desert is the oldest on Earth, having remained arid and barren for over 50 million years. It was still largely unexplored by the time Lewala found those stones—but that was about to change.

Kolmanskop, Namibia - 2018

Johan Jönsson (Julle), CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Diamond's Are A Town's Best Friend

Lewala's hunch was right. His supervisor, a German named August Stauch, confirmed his suspicion. There were diamonds in these hills. The rush was on.

Diamonds from South Africa - 2020

James St. John, Flickr

Time To Get Rich

Stauch reported on the find, and soon German settlers swarmed the area. The German Empire declared the area around the mines a "Forbidden Zone," barring anyone but miners from entering, and set about exploiting the region as much as they could. And it all centered on the small town of Kolmanskop

Kolmanskop Ghost Town Buildings Abandoned - 2016

SkyPixels, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons