The Kalash People of Pakistan

The Kalash: The Last Animists Of The Hindu Kush

The relatively mysterious Kalash people are an ancientisolated tribe living a primitive lifestyle high up in the remote valleys of the Hindu Kush mountain range.

They’re Pakistan’s smallest ethnic group, with unique cultural traditions—and an intriguing belief system that is not widely accepted in the primarily-Muslim nation.

This small community has been under threat for centuries—fighting for the survival of their culture and religious identity—and are now on the verge of extinction.

From their traditional customs to their never-ending battle with the Taliban, this is their story.

Who Are They?

The Kalash are a group of indigenous people in Pakistan who are often described as extremely hospitable and humble people with elaborate, unique lifestyles and traditions.

Their settlements have been well preserved in terms of architecture and customs, and their traditions have been carried strong throughout the generations—even though many are in contrast to the surrounding Pakistani culture.

An aged Kalasha women from Kalash valley Chitral Pakistan

AbdulBari, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

What Is Their Population?

It is believed that there are less than 4,000Kalash people remaining. At one point, their population was at least double this, but constant threats to their lives have continuously—and significantly—decreased their population.

At this point, it is believed that the Kalash people may be on the verge of extinction.

Dancing Kalasha women at the harvest festival - 2012
Martin Jung, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

What Is Their History?

The Kalash claim to descend from the armies of Alexander the Great, who were left behind after his armed campaign.

Some also consider them to be descendants of the Gandhari people—an ancient culture from the Iron Age.

However, their origin remains a mystery, as there are many traditions regarding their early history.

Kalash people - 1990

Ziegler175, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

What Do They Look Like?

The Kalash have Caucasian features—fair complexions and light-colored eyes. Their hair ranges from dark to light brown and they are of average height.

Their physical appearance contrasts sharply with that of their Pashtun and Kho neighbors, making them easily recognizable.

A Kilashi Girl Chitral - 2017

Azmat akbar, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons