The Kalinago People

The Infamous Caribbean Tribe

The Kalinago People belong to a Caribbean tribe historically known as violent and vicious cannibals.

They were born warriors who continuously engaged in battle with neighboring tribes—and some of them still exist today.

Who are they?

The Kalinago people are an indigenous people of South America, who migrated to Caribbean Islands many years ago.

They were one of the dominant groups in the Caribbean, at the time of Spanish contact.

Kalinago people

John Gabriel Stedman, Wikimedia Commons

What other names do they go by?

The Kalinago people were called Caribs or Island Caribs by the Europeans who encountered them while exploring those islands; however, the Caribs referred to themselves as Kalinago—their original name.

Kalinago people

Agostino Brunias, Wikimedia Commons

What does their name mean?

The Island Carib word karibna meant "person", although it became the origin of the English word "cannibal"—which we will soon find out why.

Kalinago people

Peter d'Aprix, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Where do they live?

The Kalinago people lived throughout north-eastern South America, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, the Windward Islands, Dominica, and possibly the southern Leeward Islands.

Mayaro Beach; Trinidad & Tobago

Kalamazadkhan, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons