The Yali People of Indonesia

The Most Dreaded Cannibals of Indonesia

The Yali People are a major highland tribal group in Papua, Indonesia. They call themselves 'Lords of Earth' are historically famous for witchcraft and cannibalism.

Feared by their enemies, this indigenous tribe continues to live an isolated, traditional lifestyle even today.

Where do they live?

The Yali people live to the east of the Baliem Valley in the Papuan highlands. Their major towns are Anggruk and Kosarek, and their territory is known collectively as Yalimo.

village in the Baleim Valley

Pvince73, Shutterstock

Who do they share their territory with?

They share the area with two other tribes called the Dani and the Lani, both of which show some resemblance to each other in looks, but all three have different cultural practices.

a village Dani lays on the hill near Wamena, West Papua

Steve Barze, Shutterstock

Are they isolated?

Yes, Papuan mountain Yalis dwell 2500-2000-meters above sea level. The only major way to access their territory is by air.

Both major towns are considered isolated due to extremely challenging geography, and are only accessible by walking for several hours.

Panorama on the Baliem Vally in West Papua.

Steve Barze, Shutterstock

How big is their tribe?

The Yali people were only discovered in the early 1960s, and since then they have branched off into smaller groups, so population has been challenging to source.

Accounts vary according to the source. The most recent population report was in 1991, estimating the Yali population to be 15,000-30,000.

dani people

michel arnault, Shutterstock