20 Things Gen Z Is Killing Off

The Bitter End

Each generation has always picked a lifestyle that’s remarkably different than the last. Nowhere is that more apparent than with Gen Z. This generation—AKA Zoomers—is made up of kids who were born from the mid-to-late 1990s to the early 2010s.

Unlike the rest of us, this generation grew up with the internet—and that, among other things, has really shaped the way they live.

Driving Manual

Learning how to shift gears without jerking—or how to get up a hill with a stop sign or red light without rolling backwards—used to be a rite of passage.

But fewer and fewer Zoomers who are learning to drive are opting to learn how to drive manual.

image of Male hand holding manual gearbox

Motortion Films, Shutterstock

Instead: Automatic Driving

Automatic has been the default for a while—and as a result, in the past few decades, fewer and fewer car companies are making manual cars, leaving manual drivers with just a couple of options when they’re buying a new car.

It really seems like, unless the trends change, manual driving may be a thing of the past.

image of a man driving automatic

riopatuca, Shutterstock

Four-Year College And University Programs

For generations, it’s been thought that the path to success has been through the typical college experience—a four-year degree, living on or near campus, etc.

It’s always been a cost-prohibitive experience, but Gen Z seems less interested in taking out loans that they may not ever be able to pay back.

Person Holding White Scroll

Gül Işık, Pexels

Instead: Certification Programs And Boot Camps

Gen Z isn’t just moving away from four-year college programs—they’re moving away from traditional career paths.

As a result, they’re opting for online courses, boot camps, and certification programs that will get them to their destination much faster—and cheaper.

online graduate certificate program concept

William Potter, Shutterstock