November 29, 2024 | Jesse Singer

Eating Pizza With A Knife And Fork: And Other Big Pet Peeves

Annoying or Not?

A pet peeve—"something that a particular person finds especially annoying". That sure does define how we feel about these things. How about you? What would be on your Pet Peeve list?

Escalator: Walk and Stand

The right side of an escalator is for standing and the left side is for walking. If you want to stand and enjoy the ride, that's great. Just please do so on the Right side!

Shoppers on the escalatorsKenneth Surillo, Pexels


Eating Pizza With A Knife And Fork

We were always told not to eat with our hands. But that rule doesn't apply when it comes to pizza. In fact not doing so is just wrong. So, put down the knife and fork, pick it up (fold it if you have to) and use your hands.

Person slicing pizza with knife and forkVincent Rivaud, Pexels

Cutting Spaghetti

Unless you're a child you don't cut your spaghetti. If you can't figure out how to twirl your fork, then order penne

Spaghetti with tomato sauceBenreis, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Pick Up After Your Dog

Having a dog isn't mandatory. It's a choice. And one of the things we choose when we make said is to pick up their poop.

Owner cleaning up after the dogMonika Wisniewska, Shutterstock


Toilet Paper Rolls

The toilet paper roll should always be put on the dispenser with the toilet paper going over the roll. Not under.

White toilet paper rollVie Studio, Pexels

Businesses That Don't Accept Cash

It's cash! Don't you want money? Isn't that the point of your business—to get money?

A woman in a blue shirt receiving moneyRDNE Stock project, Pexels

Talking During A Movie (In Theaters)

The only good thing about fewer people going to theaters these days is less "talkers" to deal with. Although...

A group of people watching movieTima Miroshnichenko, Pexels


Talking During Movie (At Home)

Raise your hand if you have a friend or family member who feels like it's okay to talk during a movie when you're watching at home. Spoiler alert: It isn't!

Friends sitting on the couchRon Lach, Pexels


The word is "espresso".

A double shot of espressoCraft Coffee Spot, Flickr

Rushing To Get On A Plane

Airplanes board in a specific order—and we all know what it is: Business class, people with kids, etc. So, if your "section/group" hasn't been called yet...stay seated (or at least out of the line). What's the rush? The seats aren't first come first served.

People boarding on an airplaneMarkus Winkler, Pexels


Nails On A Chalkboard

It's not just just an expression for us. And in that same vein...

Nails with on a green chalkboardSharon Drummond, Flickr

Scraping silverware

Whether on the plate or one's teeth, the sound is brutal. Agreed?

Hands of a woman eating a mealNadin Sh, Pexels

Turn Off Your Blinkers

We definitely appreciate it when drivers signal when they are going to change lanes. That's great. But after you get into your new lane...turn off your blinker!

A black car with red lightsAtahan Demir, Pexels


No Napkins

You order something at a drive-thru and drive off only to realize too late that they didn't throw a napkin or two into the bag. Arrggghhhh.

Soft white paper napkin stackForgemind ArchiMedia, Flickr

Walking And Looking At The Phone

We aren't trying to be all "get off of our lawn" about technology here. We love our mobile phones as much as anyone. But not when we're walking down the street. There are few things more frustrating than someone bumping into you because they have their head down looking at their phone.

Although, we will admit, there are few things funnier than seeing someone walking down the sidewalk looking at their phone and banging into a light post, fire hydrant, etc. Karma?

Man in a brown coatJack Sparrow, Pexels

Show Dog Haircuts

If your dog is a show dog, then okay—However, if your poodle isn't going to dog shows, please don't give them that ridiculous puff balls haircut (you know all the other dogs are just going to make fun of them).

A groomer in a uniformGoochie Poochie Grooming, Pexels


Before You Were Born

It's okay not to know about something in history. But don't try to justify not knowing with the excuse that it was something that happened before you were bornas if it's ridiculous for anyone to have knowledge of anything that happened prior to their physical existence on this planet.

Man in a blue shirt arguing with womanVitaly Gariev, Pexels

Being Late (All The Time)

Everyone is late sometimes. But we all know someone who is late all the time—and that's super frustrating. Have you started telling them to be places 30-60 minutes earlier just so that they get there close to the right time? We have.

Man in black suit holding black leather bagAndrea Piacquadio, Pexels

Being Late (Without A Text)

The only thing more frustrating than people who are always late are those folks who don't text (or call) when they are going to be late

Man in a brown suitBarbara Olsen, Pexels


Café Zoom Meetings

With the proliferation of remote work, cafés have become filled with folks on laptops—and that's great. What isn't great is when they have lengthy video meetings and talk loud enough for the entire café to know the company's business.

Woman working on her laptopLeeloo The First, Pexels

The "Sorry You Feel That Way" Apology

It's sneaky because, yes—it has the word "sorry" in it—but the person isn't actually apologizing for what they did or said.

Woman holding another woman's, Pexels


Not the parties that take place outside sporting events (those are awesome). We're talking about drivers that feel the need to be as close to your back bumper as possible. 

Man in a black shirt driving a carKindel Media, Pexels


Streaming Services Quickly Playing The Next Episode

The show ends and it's a race to see if you can tap the screen before the next episode or show starts playing. Give us a second to breathe and think about what we just saw before jumping into the next one.

Person holding black remote controlTowfiqu barbhuiya, Pexels

Honking The Second The Light Turns Green

Sometimes, we don't have time to move our foot from the brake to the gas pedal before someone behind us is honking because they have to be somewhere three seconds sooner than they will be now that we didn't react to the green light fast enough.

A blue Nissan Skyline GT-RErik Mclean, Pexels

Unskippable YouTube Ads

Is it just us or are there more and more unskippable ads on YouTube these days?

Photo of a hand on the keyboardPolina Tankilevitch, Pexels


Big Tags On Shirts

With so many shirts either making the tags smaller, moving them to the lower side of the shirt or using printed tags—it's just extra annoying whenever we get a tag on the collar that keeps scratching the back of our neck.

Woman's hand in holding a white shirt labelKmpzzz, Shutterstock

People That Never Answer Their Phone

It's especially annoying when there's something time sensitive and you just know it's going to go right to voicemail—or the text is going to be unread for at least the next 1-5 hours.

Coffee on a wooden tablesyd. trgt, Pexels

Using “Literally” Wrong

You'd think by now we'd all know better—and yet we literally hear people using the word wrong at least 1,000 times per day.

Woman in a pink shirtChristina Morillo, Pexels


Pushing The Elevator Button Again

You're standing there waiting for the elevator and someone comes and pushes the button again. Did they think we were just standing there hoping we could control the elevator telepathically? 

A hand pressing an elevator buttoncottonbro studio, Pexels

Coughing In Public Without Covering Your Mouth

Come on, people. We can do better.

Man in a white t-shirt coughingcottonbro studio, Pexels

People Asking "What?" When You Know They Heard What You Said

We know you're just buying time, so own up to it rather than giving us the "what?"

Man in a white shirtPavel Danilyuk, Pexels


Packing Peanuts

They get everywhere. Why do these even exist anymore? And the Styrofoam ones are terrible for the environment also.

Starch-based packing peanutsAlpha, Flickr



Hermione Granger Facts

Bewitching Facts About Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger might just be the most misunderstood character in the entire Potter universe. It starts with her name (most people pronounce it wrong) and goes from there.
January 3, 2024 Miles Brucker