Mass Exits, Mass Entrances
Americans have always gone where opportunity is, and this means exploring different states for different jobs, resources, and lifestyles depending on your stage of life. Here are the top states Americans are currently moving to—and which ones they are getting far away from.
The Data We Use
Before we start, it's good to note that the data we use here comes from the study of United Van Lines from its 48th Annual National Movers, which tracks migrations through the United States. The study always reveals interesting patterns in Americans' moving choices, and the 2024 study is no exception.
Let's get into it.
#10 Inbound State: Arizona
As you'll see, Arizona is quite different from most of the rest of the states on this inbound list. Namely, it's not on the east coast.
This number 10 spot is also a huge jump up for the state, which was 18th on the list of states Americans were moving to in 2023.
Chandlernews, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
#9 Inbound State: Arkansas
Believe it or not, the mild-mannered Arkansas is a powerhouse in the inbound states. Moreover, it makes up a popular overall trend of Americans moving toward the south-east of the country. The place people are tending to land in Arkansas? That would be Little Rock.
Brandonrush, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
#8 Inbound State: Oregon
Like Arizona, Oregon has also had a glow up from 2023, where it was only number 12 on the list of inbound states. It has now well and truly cracked the top 10. More than that, also like Arizona, it is one of the only west-coast states in the top 10 inbound list.
Visitor7, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
#7 Inbound State: Rhode Island
Small, comfy Rhode Island is actually a long-standing favorite of Americans moving around the country. It has appeared in the top 10 list of popular inbound states several years running.
#6 Inbound State: Alabama
That's right, Alabama comes in as the number 6 inbound state for Americans in 2024. Americans appreciate this state for its lower cost of living and more abundant job opportunities relative to states with larger urban footprints. Alabama has appeared somewhere in the list of top 10 inbound states over the past few years.
#5 Inbound State: North Carolina
North Carolina is a member of the popular south-east section of American states people are moving to. In particular, the city of Wilmington, North Carolina seems to be the urban center of choice for movers.
Idawriter, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
#4 Inbound State: District Of Columbia
As the center of government, the District of Columbia sees plenty of movement both in and out of its borders. In 2024, however, it took the number 4 spot when it came to inbound moves.
Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
#3 Inbound State: South Carolina
Now we come to the real heavy-hitters of states enticing Americans to pick up and move. South Carolina is another long-time member on the top 10 inbound state list, and this sunbelt state provides less urban sprawl and more bang for the buck.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a particular favorite for movers.
U.S. Air Force photo, Tech. Sgt. Louis L. Rivers, Wikimedia Commons
#2 Inbound State: Delaware
Delaware is an incredibly popular state to move to, and people are moving there for one overwhelming reason.
Older Americans, mainly retirees, are moving there to be closer to their family—so said 36% of the respondents in the survey. After all, although Delaware isn't packed with expensive cities, it is close to hubs like Philadelphia and DC.
Acroterion, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
#1 Inbound State: West Virginia
West Virginia tops the 2024 list of states Americans are moving to, with 66% of inbound migration. Nestled in the Appalachians, West Virginia isn't overly built-up, has affordable housing, and jumped up from its place last year at the number 9 inbound spot.
According to the survey, people are moving to West Virginia to be closer to their family (35% of respondents) or for a new job (31%).
But what about the states Americans are leaving? Let's find out.
Carol M. Highsmith, Wikimedia Commons
#9 Outbound State: Nebraska
Nebraska has been hit hard in the recent year with emigration; in 2023, it was only the 13th most outbound state. It now sits at number 9 on the list of states that Americans are leaving. In particular, its city center of Lincoln, Nebraska saw a high amount of outbound moving.
Hanyou23, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
#8 Outbound State: Mississippi
Mississippi is also a new state to United Van Lines' top outbound states list. It had a surge of people leaving, as it was only at the number 18 outbound spot in 2023.
#7 Outbound State: Wyoming
Like Nebraska and Mississippi, Wyoming has fallen on hard times, as it was a neutral state in terms of inbound and outbound moves in 2023. Overall, mid-west states have particularly high outbound numbers over the past few years, and Wyoming cities like Cheyenne suffered the most from outbound moves.
Vasiliymeshko, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
#6 Outbound State: North Dakota
North Dakota scored particularly high on 2024's outbound list of states. This mid-west state suffered just like its fellow mid-west state Wyoming, and hits number 6 on the list.
#5 Outbound State: Massachusetts
The fact that Massachusetts is at the number 5 position for outbound states might surprise some people, but it shouldn't. In fact, it's been in the top list of outbound states for the past five years, as people flee built-up places in search of cheaper cost of living.
King of Hearts, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
#4 Outbound State: California
Believe it or not, even before the recent spate of wild fires, California has been high on the outbound state list for movers. In fact, it too has been topping the list for states Americans are fleeing for the past five years. More and more, Americans are choosing better cost of living.
#3 Outbound State: New York
While close-by states like Delaware are getting movers, New York is bleeding them. Indeed, 12% of people moving out of New York were headed to Delaware, and in general, the state is suffering from an exodus of people who want more affordable living.
Karthikc123, Wikimedia Commons
#2 Outbound State: Illinois
Like California, Massachusetts, and New York, Illinois has been a long-time member of the high outbound states list. In particular, people are tending to leave the city of Springfield, Illinois to seek greener pastures.
#1 Outbound State: New Jersey
Yep, the biggest outbound state is New Jersey. More than that, the state has topped this list for the past seven years in a row.
According to survey respondents, 22% of people were moving out of the state to retire, and over 40% of them were over 65 years old. Perhaps it's no surprise, then, that 20% of movers were headed to Florida.
Still, there are a couple more insights to be had.
"Balanced" States
Although there are states that often have high inbound or outbound moving percentages, there are also so-called "balanced" states, which have a close to net neutral move percentage. In 2024, the states among this list were Ohio and Florida, the latter of which has actually been on the inbound state list in the past.
Massimo Catarinella, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Why Do People Move?
It's never easy to up and leave a place, and we've already seen that the prime motivators have to be big ones: Most people move to be closer to family, or to retire, or both. Others do it because of a new job opportunity.
Are you considering a move to a different state? Does a state on the inbound list catch your eye, or are you considering moving from one of the outbound states? Let us know in the comments.
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