Trust Us, It’s Worth It
You may wonder if it’s worth shelling out for a first-class flight. After reading this list of perks, you’re probably going to be seriously considering it.
The Lounge
If your flight has been delayed, which is pretty common, your mood can come to be dependent on the space you have to wait longer in. This is where a lounge can definitely come in handy.
The Lounge
Flying first class grants you access to the airport’s lounge, which offers plenty of amenities while waiting for your boarding time to call. Sip on a premium cocktail or read a fancy magazine not available in the rest of the airport.
andreyandreevphotography, Shutterstock
Flying first class certainly contains much in the way of perks, and some of the best are the simplest. A chief example of these simple pleasures would be the benefit of more legroom.
Legroom is most certainly a perk that comes in handy on a long flight. Do you really want to make the 18-hour trek to Australia with your legs feeling cramped?
Premium Food
There’s a reason why airline food is a frequent topic amongst stand-up comics. The truth is, it’s often crummy—but first class makes sure that isn’t an issue.
Premium Food
Many airlines will, in first class, offer menus curated by Michelin star restaurants from around the world. Expect food so good that it could make you overlook any potential turbulence.
Complimentary Alcohol
By now, you’re pretty used to how overpriced everything (even a sandwich) is at the airport. So imagine the delight of boarding your flight and getting complimentary alcohol?
Thorsten Schmitt, Shutterstock
Complimentary Alcohol
Alcohol is certainly an important factor for many people when they fly. The reason is that it helps quell any fear of flying that may arise.
LightField Studios, Shutterstock
Overhead Space
We all know the aggression that can ensue when fighting for whatever minimal overhead space you get. You want your carry-on baggage above you, not cramping your legroom.
Overhead Space
Flying first class means never having to worry about overhead space. Expect such a comfortable amount that you won’t have to fight your fellow flyers the second after boarding.
EIHEITAI-EISHI, Wikimedia Commons
Front Of The Plane Seating
This is one that we think you might forget when considering the perks of flying first class. Just think about the grumbles that come from fellow flyers when it comes time to depart the plane after landing.
Richard Moross, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Front Of The Plane Seating
First class is near the front of the plane, meaning you’ll be amongst the first people who get to depart once it comes time. No more waiting for the passenger congestion to clear, which means an overall happier flying experience.
calflier001, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Having to get up early for a flight can throw us off our sleep schedule. And that’s not to mention the possibility of an 18-hour flight across the world, so having to catch up on a plane is sometimes inevitable.
Trying to relax enough to fall asleep in your coach seat isn’t always easy. That’s why many airlines offer full-on bedding in first class so that you can get a comfortable rest on the flight.
Sundae Cart
We’ve all heard about the perils of airline food, as mentioned on this list before. Dessert is a big part of that–many of us know the bad feeling of finishing off a mediocre meal with a sad, dehydrated brownie.
Jun Seita, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Sundae Cart
First class makes sure to take the concept of dessert very seriously though. Expect a cart of delicious ice cream sundaes to stroll by after finishing your top-of-the-line meal.
~delta, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Chauffeur Service
There’s more that matters than just what happens on the flight itself in terms of having a pleasant travel experience. As one knows, the parking lot or the element of getting out of the airport can be a massive pain, no matter how state-of-the-art the location is.
Chauffeur Service
Traveling first class means you’re also treated like a king or queen outside the flight. Many airlines will offer a chauffeur to make sure you’re ready for a quick exit.
More Points
The matter of collecting frequent flyer points can come down to either deliberate strategy or just by accident. In the matter of the latter, just ask someone who flies constantly for work purposes.
More Points
Spending more for premium pays off a lot in how many frequent flyer points you’ll collect, which’ll be considerably higher than flying coach. So first class is, if anything, a way to get more free flights, at a quicker rate.
Baggage And Security
I think many flyers agree that what they really want when traveling is a streamlining of the entire process. So in short, they really want to reduce the headache of what it takes to board the plane.
Baggage And Security
Premium flyers will get the chance to be prioritized with their checked bags as well as moving through a sped-up version of the security clearance. Imagine how much less you’ll groan when the process is cut in half.
Frame Stock Footage, Shutterstock
More In-Flight Entertainment Options
You don’t want to be bored when you’re stuck 35,000 in the sky for hours. Luckily, many airlines now offer both live DirectTV options to flyers as well as, in some cases, a private screening room. Flights are secretly a great way to catch up on your watchlist.
PYONKO OMEYAMA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Sleep Amenity Set
We’ve already stressed the importance and ensuing difficulty of getting a good sleep on a long flight. So in reality, you’re going to need some accompanying items to assist with your sheep counting.
richardmoross, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Sleep Amenity Set
Many airlines will offer a sleep amenity set from Casper to first-class passengers. Expect an eyemask, earplugs, and even in some cases, a nifty set of pajamas.
Special Service For A Special Occasion
If you’re flying to celebrate an anniversary or birthday, the airline will certainly take note. Expect to be amongst the most prioritized passengers in first class.
richardmoross, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Special Service For A Special Occasion
You know when the waiters at TGI Friday’s sing “Happy Birthday” to you? Expect that, but times about 10—not to mention with higher quality food and drink to accompany it.
If you’re flying from, say, New York to the Southern Hemisphere, you’re gonna be on that plane for quite some time. And in that time, you can certainly rack up a lot of smells.
Artur Bergman, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
But you don’t have to let the smell accompany you off the plane, as many first-class flights offer a shower to passengers. Maybe don’t think about the carbon footprint of the flight while breaking out the shampoo and conditioner, though.
N509FZ, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Onboard Bar
Flights are not always social events, as we can be too grumpy to really interact with our fellow travelers. But they say alcohol is the best social lubricant, after all.
Onboard Bar
Many flights offer an onboard bar to its premium flyers, boasting both effective design and top-shelf cocktails. And with a little liquid courage, who knows who you might meet on one of these flights.
Frank O'Dwyer (batsignal), CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Chill Atmosphere
One of the biggest benefits of the premium flying experience is that all the features pay off in tandem to make everyone chiller. No groaning, moaning, or bemoaning over bad service, cramped quarters, and delays.
Chill Atmosphere
After all, for all the good service and perks you can be offered, your fellow flyers are what make the ultimate difference. This is a big reason why people pay for the upgrades.
Better Headsets
The booming economy of Beats By Dre and AirPods have brought to mind how much people have come to value good audio. Many airlines have picked up on this increased standard, knowing that the traditional headset won’t cut it anymore.
Better Headsets
Enjoy your in-flight entertainment with a complimentary Bose headset with noise-canceling features. With these, you’ll be able to get truly sucked into a movie or television show, letting the time pass by better.
More Reclining
Stiffness has a bigger impact on our mental health than we think. Now imagine spending a long, cross-Atlantic flight without being able to move your back at all.
More Reclining
In first class, expect a seat that you can comfortably recline in, be it for sleep or just further relaxing while sipping on a drink or enjoying the in-flight movie. Truly, it can make a world of difference.
Spa Treatment
Anxiety over flying is a very common trait in many people. So what could help you calm down more than a full body massage on a flight?
Spa Treatment
Yes, the height of being pampered exists on certain first-class flights. Is there a better way to relax and pass the time on a longer trip?
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