April 15, 2024 | Allison Robertson

25 Kitchen Accessories You Don't Need

Useless Kitchen Gadgets

The world is full of wonderful appliances and accessories that can make specific food-related tasks just a bit easier, but then there are many that are more fun than they are useful.

Here are 25 kitchen accessories most of us truly don’t need.

banana slicer and women in kitchen split image

Asparagus Steamer

Cost: $30-$50

An asparagus steamer comes with a wire insert that encourages the asparagus to stand up straight while it cooks. But is it really necessary?

This item takes up more space in the cupboard than its worth.

asparagus kettleFairfax Media Archives, Getty Images


Banana Slicer

Cost: $6-$10

This item is absolutely useless and redundant, and the online reviews will back me up here. Unless you have a thing for ultra-uniform banana slices, save your money and use a knife.

Banana SlicerJoel Kramer, Flickr

Bread Maker

Cost: $95-$400

Save yourself the money and use your oven, like your grandma did. Not only is it a costly appliance, it’s a large item that takes up a lot of space—and it is completely unnecessary since you more than likely already own an oven.

bread makerDaniel Krason, Shutterstock

Meat-Shredding Claws

Cost: $5-$20

As cool as these may look, they are completely unnecessary and will likely jam up inside your utensil drawer. Stick to old fashioned forks for your latest crockpot creation.

meat shredding clawsIgor Paszkiewicz, Shutterstock


Popcorn Machine

Cost: $30-$300

It’s not even worth the math to figure out how much popcorn you’d have to eat to justify buying a personal popcorn maker. Save your cash and your cupboard space and use an old fashioned pot on the stove—or better yet, the microwave.

popcorn machineSaad315, Shutterstock

Corn Kernal Stripper

Cost: $7-$25

These can seem necessary if you have small kids, but there’s an alternative that will save you both space and money…its called a knife. Not only will this gadget take up space, it also comes with many pieces that will take more time to wash than it does to cut the corn in the first place.

Corn Kernal StripperHouston Chronicle, Getty Images

Pasta Maker

Cost: $30-$300

Unless you regularly make fresh pasta, this machine isn’t worth the money. Not only does it take some work to use, it’s another item that is a pain to clean.

Save your cash and ask your grandma how she used to make homemade pasta—without a fancy machine.

Pasta MakerIvan, Pexels


Magic Tap

Cost: $20-$40

The magic tap is a drink dispenser that saves you from having to actually lift the containers when pouring them into your glass. Unless you’re buying Costco-sized mega-jugs, this gadget is another waste of money.

drink dispenserMarco Verch, Flickr

Electric Wine Opener

Cost: $15-$50

To be fair, this can be helpful to the vino lovers who lack the strength for a corkscrew. But for the amount of space it takes up, unless you’re unbottling vino all day long, this is probably a waste of money.

electric wine openerIurii Korolev, Shutterstock

Pie Bird

Cost: $6-$28

As cute as these little ceramic birds are—they aren’t exactly necessary. A pie bird simply helps vent steam from your pie as it bakes. Most bakers admit they’re more of an adorable kitchen accent than a must-have baking tool.

Pie BirdThecopse, Wikimedia Commons


Deep Fryer

Cost: $40-$1,000

While many people think they would get a lot of use out of a deep fryer, that’s not usually the reality. These appliances are large, expensive, and a pain to clean.

For the few times you may actually deep fry something, try a large skillet on the stove instead.

deep fryerAndrey Sayfutdinov, Shutterstock

Tuna Press

Cost: $15-$20

Unless you eat canned tuna on a daily basis, this gadget is a waste of money. This tuna press simply helps drain the liquid from canned goods—which can also be done by draining the liquid using the partially opened lid of the tin can.

tuna draining in strainerMerrimon Crawford, Shutterstock

Microwave S’mores Maker

Cost: $14-$20

S’mores are one of those treats that are fun to make. But if you want to suck all the fun out of it, then this gadget is for you. Make sure you have time to clean this thing after it becomes forever-sticky, and space in your cupboard to store it.

s'mores makerbenjamin sTone, Flickr


Quesadilla Maker

Cost: $25-$40

Save the cost, and space it will take up, and make your quesadilla in a frying pan on the stove. Not only is it as simple as a fold and flip, it also saves you from washing and storing another appliance.

Mexican Tortilla makerLuis Raul Torres, Shutterstock

Taco Holders

Cost: $7-$30

Although these nifty little holders can make the taco experience a little less messy, they are still not worth the extra cost and space. Stick to making a messy taco on your plate and using a fork to scoop up the spilled toppings.

Taco HoldersShameel mukkath, Pexels

Countertop Pizza Oven

Cost: $49-$569

Although these counter-top pizza ovens claim to save energy and cook more evenly, they’re a small appliance that isn’t actually small at all and will take up a lot of space on your countertop. And considering you may not use it often, save yourself the cash and use your oven instead.

countertop or convection ovenEnjoy The Life, Shutterstock


Omelet Maker

Cost: $20-$40

Similar to the quesadilla maker and pizza oven, this is another small appliance that causes more work than its worth. Stick to a non-stick fry pan and a stove.

omelet maker machineThe Image Party, Shutterstock

Fondu Set

Cost: $30-$100

This ancient kitchen gadget is most commonly seen collecting dust on thrift store shelves. There’s a reason fondue was a trend that hasn’t seen a revival. Most people use this item once or twice and then forget they have it.

Save the cash and melt your chocolate on the stove.

fondue setAnastasia Belyakova, Shutterstock

Warming Ice Cream Scoop

Cost: $7-$25

The self-warming ice cream scoop is perfect for impatient people, as it promises to make quick work of even the hardest ice cream. It may be a cool idea, but running your scoop under hot water works just as well—and is much cheaper.

ice cream scoopTowfiqu barbhuiya, Pexels


Electric Can Opener

Cost: $15-$50

Another example of a gadget that occupies too much precious space on the kitchen counter. It doesn’t save you money or make your food taste any better. It doesn’t even save time, really.

Unless you have arthritis or another condition that necessitates an electric can opener, stick the manual one you can toss in a drawer.

electric can openerMarinaTr, Shutterstock

Cookie Dippers

Cost: $6-$8

Cookie dippers simply hold the cookie down inside your cup without your fingers getting all wet from the milk. That’s pretty much it.

Save yourself the cost and just use your hands like the rest of us.

tea and cookieYlanite Koppens, Pexels

Burger Press

Cost: $10-$40

While these can be useful, it is possible to make homemade burgers by flattening them with your hands. If touching raw meat isn’t your thing, wear gloves.

Avoid the cost, and save the space and skip the burger press.

burger pressmekcar, Shutterstock


Microwavable Bacon Cooker

Cost: $10-$40

If you don’t happen to have an oven, a stove, or a grill, then perhaps this gadget is necessary for you. But if rubbery bacon isn’t your thing, we suggest you stick to the old-fashioned stovetop, or even the oven for all of your bacon needs.

Perfect bacon slices placed in a white plateLara604, Flickr

Salad Spinner

Cost: $20-$60

While salad spinners can be handy, your lettuce can be washed and dried using the ol’ rinse-and-pat method. It’s also a huge contraption to store, and it likely won’t get as much use as you think it will.

salad spinnerPHILIPIMAGE, Shutterstock

Snow-Cone Maker

Cost: $30-$40

This is a big appliance for a dessert made from frozen water. You can make snow-cones and slushies by freezing a cup of juice.

Save yourself the money, and the space, and skip the snow-cone maker.

snow cone makerTea Talk, Shutterstock


Final Thoughts

While most of these kitchen gadgets are fun and innovative, most of them take up a lot of space and cost more money than they’re worth.

Save yourself the money, and resort back to the old-fashioned ways that our grandparents swear by.

Kitchen utensilsPinkyone, Shutterstock


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