30 Tips for Aging After 30
The 30 After 30 Rule
Age 30 is a milestone age—mainly because your body changes drastically at this point and your lifestyle may require some tweaking.
Here’s 30 things you should prioritize once you hit age 30.

Maintain a Proper Weight
Once you hit 30, you have to start paying closer attention to your weight. This is because once you hit 40 and beyond, it becomes increasingly harder.
This is when you want to start a regular exercise routine that can follow you throughout the next few decades.

Prioritize Exercise
As mentioned, exercise is important to your overall well-being, and once you hit your thirties, habits can be challenging to form. Making exercise a habit is your key to keeping it a priority.

Learn to Sleep
Your twenties are long gone and your body is changing. Sleep—or lack thereof—starts to affect you in ways it never did before.
Learn how to fall asleep in 30 minutes or less. Set up a specific sleep schedule (aka bedtime) and stick to it.
Not getting enough sleep can greatly increase stress.

Find a Relaxing Practice
We’re talking deep relaxation here. Rest should be a part of your daily life, and finding ways to alleviate stress is even more important.
Try yoga, meditation, or journaling to boost relaxation.