The Spartans
The Rise and Fall of Sparta
The Spartans were the most feared military force in the Greek world, earning legendary status in their wars against Persia—but how they got so powerful is anything but pretty. From torturous training exercises to disturbing marriage rituals, the Spartan empire was darker than you thought.
Sparta's Legend
Sparta was one of the greatestcity-states of ancient Greece, and a long-time rival of Athens. But unlike Athens, which gained power through trade and naval supremacy, Sparta rose through its military.
While Athens was centered around impressive buildings and architecture, Sparta was said to have a “wall of men, instead of bricks".
The Spartan Lifestyle
The Spartan lifestyle was totally opposite to that in Athens, where culture was celebrated and opportunities were awarded to their citizens. In Sparta, life was strictly regimented and basic, with absolutely no luxuries.
Spartan Comforts—Or Lack Thereof
Spartans didn’t have nice (or even comfortable) clothing. They dressed in ragged clothes made from course materials. And their meals consisted mostly of porridge and black soup made with pig’s blood.
Sometimes Athenian people would joke that they understood why Spartans were so eager to die in battle.
Armed At All Times
Sparta was actually more of an armed camp than a city. The men were highly armed at all times and they ate their meals together in a large mess hall. Women had specific jobs to do as well, which mostly included child rearing and housekeeping.
Spartans even had strict rules about money.