

Photos Of The Last Remaining Uncontacted Tribes On Earth

Modern civilization has encroached on nearly every corner of the globe, but a few uncontacted tribes still do exist today. Let's take a glimpse into the lives of these mysterious people.
August 13, 2024 Jamie Hayes

The Yali People of Indonesia

Discover the Yali people who live in the remote mountains of Papua, Indonesia. As one of the few tribes of today who continue their traditional lifestyle, the Yali people have a long list of fascinating cultural practices. From intriguing cultural attire to shocking warrior rituals, find out which traditions they continue today, and which they've retired.
June 28, 2024 Allison Robertson

The Sasak People of Indonesia

Discover the Sasak people of Indonesia. With a rich and unique blend of religion and traditions, this indigenous community lives a simple lifestyle without modern amenities. From rice farming to basket fishing, find out how they sustain their traditional way of life whilst also catering to tourism.
May 27, 2024 Allison Robertson

The Mentawai People

Discover the Mentawai, Indonesia's oldest primitive tribe. Also known as the “Flower People,” the tribe has an intriguing traditional belief system that governs how and why they they continue to live a primitive lifestyle deep in the rainforest.
May 27, 2024 Allison Robertson

The Baduy People of Indonesia

Discover the Baduy People of Indonesia, an indigenous tribe living deep in the forest who have specifically chosen to remain strictly isolated from civilization. From money and technology to school and haircuts, the Baduy are a tribe so rooted in their traditional ways that any form of modern life is strictly forbidden. We now have the chance to learn more about this reclusive and intriguing tribe.
May 24, 2024 Allison Robertson