travel guide

How The World's Most Famous Landmarks Are Being Ruined By Tourists

The world is full of fantastic landmarks. Humans have built some, while others have been forged by nature, withstanding the tests of time. However, these iconic landmarks will sometimes become so popular due to tourism that they can be damaged through purposeful actions or accidents. Let's examine how too much tourism is ruining some of the world's most famous landmarks.
February 24, 2025 Jack Hawkins

Amazing Airport Features You Have To See To Believe

When most people think of airports these days they probably think of long lines, security checks and overpriced food. But why not think of these amazing amenities and features that will make you wish you had an even longer layover.
December 16, 2024 Jesse Singer

The Real Story Of The California Gold Rush

The California Gold Rush is considered by many historians to be the most significant event of the first half of the nineteenth century—but not just for its fame and fortune. While it may have brought wealth to many, it brought utter devastation to even more.
November 15, 2024 Allison Robertson

Life Inside North Korea

In North Korea, citizens are strictly trained to obey. Anytime a person becomes “disloyal” to the government, their entire family gets put in horrific concentration camps—and that’s not even the worst of it.
October 31, 2024 Allison Robertson

Best Fall Camping Destinations in the U.S.

America is teeming with stunning camping spots. With over sixty national parks and literally thousands of state parks, there is no shortage of natural adventure in the United States. Here’s 24 of the best places to camp in the fall.
October 9, 2024 Allison Robertson

14 Times Tourists Ruined Iconic Landmarks

From carving names into historical monuments and deliberately knocking down statues to crashing into irreplaceable natural wonders, here’s 14 specific times dumb tourists actually ruined iconic landmarks—and the prices they paid for doing so.
September 25, 2024 Allison Robertson