November 1, 2024 | Alex Summers

Things That Are Normal In Europe That Americans May Find Shocking

European Norms, Baffled Americans

When in Rome, do as the Romans do...or at least try not to look so out of place! Some things that are considered odd, or even shocking in the US, are totally normal in parts of Europe. Here are a few strange things you might see on your European vacation.


Dining Etiquette Differences

Eating habits are different in America and Europe. Europeans take their time with meals, sitting for hours to eat and talk. Each dish is a chance to be with family and friends. In America, people usually eat hurriedly, trying to finish quickly instead of enjoying their food.

Family having FoodPearl PhotoPix, Shutterstock


Attitudes Toward Work-Life Balance

Don't be too surprised when you visit France in the summer and find bold signs in front of shops saying, "We are closed." Yeah, that's a thing. In France, workers get 30 days of paid vacation each year. And it's not just a short break; we're talking weeks off to unwind.

Woman Alena Darmel, Pexels

America's Work Culture

In America, there is more grumbling than vacationing, as the work culture feels endless. Many workers only get about 15 days of vacation, while others can only dream. The pressure to keep working, even during breaks, is strong. And many Americans tie their worth to the number of hours they work.

Work loadDragana Gordic, Shutterstock

Socializing In Public Spaces

Public spaces are more like a social gathering in Europe. It is common to see activities in parks and plazas; this way of life encourages social interactions among even strangers. Fun fact: The "tapas" culture in Spain promotes sharing food and experiences in open spaces.

People in parkI Wei Huang, Shutterstock


Dining Is A Private Affair

The atmosphere in America is different; they are more private when it comes to dining. Eating outside feels like a special treat, something they will do occasionally. This habit, many will say, makes them miss the fun and lively social scenes you might experience in public spaces.

Close Up Photo of Dining table with basic table setting.Donald Joski, Shutterstock

Hierarchical Structures 

Relationships between citizens and public servants, as well as employees and employers, are often greeted in a hierarchy that almost always favors the person at the top. Some Scandinavian countries took it upon themselves to bridge the gap; this is called flat hierarchies, and it favors both sides.

OfficeGround Picture, Shutterstock

Questioning Norms 

Standing up to authorities and questioning their judgment or decisions is something that is common in Europe. Citizens most of the time voice their opinions on policies or subjects that directly affect them. For Americans, it is a bit different; they have to think twice before engaging with authorities.

ProtestFiledIMAGE, Shutterstock


Recycling And Waste

When it comes to the future and looking out for Mother Nature, Europe is leading in this aspect. They have very strict laws on recycling. It is no surprise that nearly 48% of their materials are recycled, and 19% are composted, giving them a total recycling rate of 67%.

Recyclingchayanuphol, Shutterstock

Transportation Choices

Many people in Europe would rather use public transport. They tend to rely on trains, buses, and cycling. You might be shocked to hear that Amsterdam has more bicycles than residents. Yes, you read that right. They have walkable cities and fewer cars on the road.

Transportation RossHelen, Shutterstock

Beach Culture

Public exposure of the body means different things in Europe. Many beaches accept being without clothes as a natural form of expression, surprising American visitors. In countries like France and Spain, "naturist" beaches are common, promoting a relaxed attitude toward body image.

Beach CultureAleksandar Todorovic, Shutterstock


Cultural Acceptance 

In Finland, public saunas and spas encourage people to be free together, showing a broader acceptance of bodies. Americans might be surprised by this, which shows how important it is to understand cultural differences.

public saunas and spas VladyslaV Travel photo, Shutterstock

Punctuality Expectations

How people view time is different in various cultures. In Germany, being on time shows respect. This is very different from some places in America, where being late is often okay. Many Americans may not understand how important punctuality is to others, leading to misunderstandings and cultural surprises.

Punctuality Expectationsfizkes, Shutterstock

Social Consequences 

It is normal to see kids in Europe going to school or using buses by themselves. Americans, who don't usually let their kids out alone as much, will surely find this surprising. Parents in Europe trust that their cities are safe for their kids. 

School busProstock-studio, Shutterstock


Different Norms 

Many Americans are not really open about displaying affection in public. Even a 2014 survey by YouGov found that 71% feel this way. This means the majority prefer to keep their relationships private. It might be shocking to see couples engaging in PDA because it isn't that common back home.

Man and womanMasson, Shutterstock

Public Displays Of Affection in Europe

Public displays of affection in Europe are not only for young people; they are part of the culture. Many countries have changed their old rules to allow open shows of love. Southern Europe, especially, enjoys these moments. It's a normal part of their daily life.

Public Displays Of AffectionAntonio Guillem, Shutterstock

Tipping Practice

In many European countries, tipping isn't mandatory. In America, if you don't leave a tip of 20 to 25 percent, waiters might ask why you didn't tip. This can be puzzling because you never know how European servers will respond to tips.

Close-up photo of cash moneyIbrahim Boran, Pexels


Smaller Portions 

Food in Europe is served in small sizes. This shows how people think about food and being healthy. Eating less food can help people stay healthy and make them think about what they eat.

FoodLordn, Shutterstock

Slow Cooking 

European meals are made to look extremely appetizing. Fun fact: In Italy, there is an idea called "slow food." It supports cooking in old ways to help people love the food they eat and not just eat for eating's sake.

woman cookingPhotoroyalty, Shutterstock

Social Drinking

At a young age, there are a lot of things that one would not want to be caught doing in public, and drinking is one of them. Not for some European countries; for them, drinking is integrated into social life from a young age. Unlike in America, where drinking usually means parties or celebrations.

Multiracial group of young hipster friendsPersonal Belongings, Shutterstock


Drinking Age Variations 

In America, one is likely to go to jail for drinking at an early age; they have a strict age limit of 21 and older, nothing less. But in many European countries, drinking is normal for younger people. For example, in Belgium, you can drink as early as 16 years old.

Group of Friends HuggingElina Fairytale, Pexels

Multicultural Environments 

If there is one thing European cities are envied for, it is their blend of different cultures and languages. Seeing different traditions helps people accept and understand each other. Take cities like Barcelona and London; they are well-known for celebrating many cultures, making life in the community better.

Multicultural Environments Lomb, Shutterstock

Celebrating Differences 

Celebrating different backgrounds not only brings people together but also creates unity and a sense of belonging. More than 2 million people visit London every year because of the Notting Hill Carnival. This event showcases colorful cultures and helps people understand each other, while American celebrations are usually less diverse.

People CelebratingMs Jane Campbell, Shutterstock


Universal Healthcare

In many parts of Europe, policies are in place to make healthcare free or very cheap. This is not the same in the U.S., where healthcare costs a lot. As a result, people in Europe are happier with the kind of healthcare system they have.

 HealthcareValeri Luzina, Shutterstock

Preventive Care Focus

European healthcare focuses on keeping people healthy. They encourage regular doctor visits and tests to stop problems before they start. Many people feel they live healthier lives because of this system.

Male doctor in a, Piexels

Different Educational Systems

Schools in Europe teach differently. They help kids learn in more ways than just taking tests. The focus is on teaching students to think and be creative. In Finland, student performance speaks for itself, as they have one of the best education systems in the world.

 Educational, Shutterstock


Going To College In Germany

Colleges in Germany are mostly public. The best part? These schools are free, even for students from other countries. This might surprise American students whose tuition fees are equal to a downpayment for a house. They often end up with a lot of debt just to get a degree.

Students going to collegeJacob Lund, Shutterstock

Personal Space

Everyone loves their space until you're an American, and then you're really putting up a wall. Americans like a bit of distance and may feel uncomfortable if someone gets too close. Europeans, however, often stand closer during conversations. Of course, they're not saying, "Be in my face," but they maintain more closeness.

Friends talkingKetut Subiyanto, Pexels

Vacationing Together

What is a family without the memories, vacations, and, of course, a bit of car karaoke? Europeans know the importance of these moments and always find time to share the experience. Family vacations are important for Europeans, and they always take advantage of every moment of them.

Family - Yuri A, Shutterstock


Directness Vs. Indirectness

Here's the thing: direct talk can be seen or received differently. While some see it as a way of expressing themselves without going around in circles, others view it as insulting and disrespectful. Europeans value straightforward communication, which may challenge what Americans consider polite.

people Having conversationcottonbro studio, Pexels

Humor In Conversations

It is one thing to communicate, but how it's received is a different ball game. For Europeans, humor is often expressed sarcastically and includes irony. For Americans, humor is usually seen as straightforward comedy. This can often lead to misunderstandings.

Friends laughingjavi_indy, Shutterstock

Dressing For Occasions 

Fashion is more than just dressing; for Europeans, it means even more than that. It is a way to express their culture. Many Europeans dress very stylishly, depending on the occasion, even for casual outings. For Americans, they put comfort first before style.

Family having FoodPearl PhotoPix, Shutterstock


Importance Of Individuality 

People in Europe see fashion from an individual point of view; it is one way a person can be themselves and show their unique style. Americans are more casual. To an average American, it is more about how comfortable they can appear rather than how they look.

Woman Anna Nekrashevich, Pexels

Cultural Heritage

People love their old buildings and places and work hard to keep them safe. Italy, for example, has 60 UNESCO sites. Europe really prioritizes the preservation of their culture and legacies. That's why people who try to disrupt them are often dealt with contempt. 

Cultural HeritageMNStudio, Shutterstock

Festivals Celebrating Traditions

Festivals in Europe celebrate old events and local traditions. These fun gatherings show why heritage is important and build pride in the community. Travelers' stories show how history shapes life in Europe today, unlike America, which focuses on innovation.

Festival CelebratingMarco Ortiz-MOF, Shutterstock


Pet Ownership Culture

In Europe, pets are like family. Many people care a lot about animals, with rules to protect pet rights. Pet owners are expected to follow the city's rules on keeping them on a leash during walks, cleaning up after them, etc. Breeding is also not as common as it is in the U.S.

Pet OwnershipSamson Katt, Pexels

Public Spaces For Pets

Many European cities have places for pets. Parks, cafes, workplaces, and even public transport welcome them. Fun fact: In Paris, dogs can go into restaurants, showing a more relaxed attitude about pets than in America, where the rules are very strict. 

Public Spaces For PetsPiotr Piatrouski, Shutterstock

Multi-Party Systems

A lot of people feel represented across the continent. The countries have many political parties, meaning more diverse ideas are represented as well. This is different from the U.S., which mostly has two main parties. 

VotingFrame Stock Footage, Shutterstock


Holistic Health Practices

Natural treatments are used by a lot of people. Many prefer alternative therapies and natural remedies. In countries like Germany, the number of people using herbal treatments has increased by 70%, showing different views on health.

Holistic Health PracticesRobert Przybysz, Shutterstock

Exercise As A Lifestyle

Staying active is a normal part of daily life (as it is in America, too). But in Europe, lots of individuals walk and bike regularly to stay fit. This differs from America, where people typically prefer the gym for their workouts. 

ExerciseJonathan Borba, Pexels

Shopping Habits

People often shop at local markets. They buy fresh food and handmade things, not from big stores. This way of shopping values quality and social engagement. Instead of just putting items in their carts, people get to understand where and what they're buying.

ShoppingIgisheva Maria, Shutterstock


Unique Holiday Traditions

We can all agree that holidays are the time to express our customs, whether through the food we eat or the way we dress. Christmas traditions differ all across Europe. For instance, instead of Santa Claus, Germany and Austria have Krampus, who punishes children who misbehave.

 Holiday TraditionsDa Antipina, Shutterstock

Public Holidays 

Public holidays are days to remember important events in history, and countries in Europe have many public holidays linked to their past. For instance, Bastille Day in France is set aside to celebrate the French Revolution. These holidays help us understand how history shapes the modern way of life.

Public Holidays Kiev.Victor, Shutterstock

Quality of Life 

This whole work-life balance is a thing that a lot of countries are yet to come up with a solution for. But kudos to countries like Denmark for finding a solution. It is encouraged and expected that people leave their offices on-time and spend more time with their families. 

FamilyProstock-studio, Shutterstock


Prioritizing Happiness

People value being happy and enjoying life more than owning a lot of things. They focus more on spending time with others and having good experiences. European culture really makes you think about what makes life truly worth living. 

Group of friendsHelena Lopes, Pexels


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