October 29, 2024 | JK

What Flight Attendants Wish All Travelers Knew

The Unsung Heroes Of Air Travel

Flight attendants are crucial in helping passengers have an optimal flying experience. As a passenger, it’s difficult to see all the things a flight attendant needs to deal with during a flight. But don’t overlook these essential individuals, as their insight and advice about flying is priceless.


Boarding A Plane Isn’t As Casual As It Looks

When standing in line to board the plane, passengers are listening to music, chatting with their travel companions, or thinking over itinerary plans. Flight attendants often board 175 passengers or more and need to do so in 40 minutes. While the casual onlooker doesn’t notice the mad dash, the sheer pressure alone to get everyone seated and ready to depart is truly remarkable.

Passengers Boarding on a planePixabay, Picryl


They Are Human, Just Like Their Passengers

If you’ve ever seen an angry passenger yelling at a flight attendant, pay attention to how the attendant responds. Even when they’re feeling stressed or upset, their job is to smile and keep their thoughts to themselves. As the face of the airline, they’re expected to remain calm and composed under pressure. While no one is perfect, they do an impressive job of maintaining their professionalism.

Flight attendants walking to the planeDelta News Hub, Flickr

Manage Your Bathroom Breaks More Strategically

Flight attendants really wish passengers would be more mindful about timing their bathroom breaks during service. When someone heads to the restroom mid-service, it causes an unnecessary traffic jam, forcing the attendant to backtrack so the passenger can return to their seat. This clogs up the aisle, and if several people do it, it can delay the entire service.

First class lavatory in Air CanadaKristoferb, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Passengers Need To Use Their Words To Communicate

During boarding, passengers often stand and stare, silently hoping others will somehow read their minds and move so they can get to their seats. Instead of relying on telepathy, it's much more effective to speak up. Do yourself a favor—use your voice to politely ask for what you need.

Symmetrical View of an Airplane InteriorJeffry Surianto, Pexels


Stretch Your Legs Within Reason

It’s normal to need a stretch on a long flight, but one major pet peeve for flight attendants is when passengers do so in the galley, unintentionally sticking their backsides right in the attendants' faces. Being mindful of the limited space on the plane is important, and this happens more often than you’d think!

Emergency Exit Legroom in a planeCaribb, Flickr

Understanding What Action Goes With What Service

Knowing proper service etiquette helps keep things moving smoothly for flight attendants. For example, when a drink service is happening, don’t ask for the attendant to take your garbage, because there is nowhere on the cart to store it. Also, during garbage collection, asking for a drink feels counterintuitive since drink service precedes garbage collection.

Austrian Airlines Cabin Crew ServiceAustrian Airlines, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Flight Attendants Don’t Get Paid Until The Cabin Doors Close

Many passengers don’t realize that a flight attendant’s shift starts when the plane takes off. So, helping you with your luggage and seating confusion during boarding is off the clock. Since they don’t earn money until the aircraft doors are closed, they aren’t set up for service either—so asking for water while boarding is a no-go.

Flight Attendant Stows Luggage Prior To DepartureDefense Visual Information Distribution Service, Picryl


Being Respectful Goes A Long Way

When a flight attendant is speaking to you, kindly pay attention. Having both headphones in or looking down at a tablet and not looking at the attendant when they are talking to you is rude. Remember, flight attendants are human just like you and deserve the same respect you would want from someone else.

A Man in Beige Sweater Sitting Beside Window Planecottonbro studio, Pexels

Being Respectful Goes A Long Way

One flight attendant recalls that the most dehumanizing aspect of the job is when passengers ignore their greetings of "hello" and "good morning" during boarding. Some passengers even turn their heads to avoid making eye contact, treating the attendants as if they were invisible.

Thai Airways Cabin Crew GreetingBeashel, Flickr

Flight Attendants Are Not Picking On You, They Are Doing Their Job

As a passenger, you notice the endless list of things you “have” to do before, during, and after the flight. Stow your belongings under the seat, fasten your seatbelt, and place your seats in upright positions. While these rules may seem annoying, they are mandated laws and required by every passenger on the craft to abide by—so cut the flight attendants some slack.

Flight Attendants standing at the Plane AisleKelly, Pexels


Get Organized Before You Board The Plane

To keep the boarding process smooth and efficient, make sure you have everything you’ll need for the flight within easy reach before you take your seat. Know where your books, devices, or activities are so you don’t have to stand up again to retrieve something from your carry-on. Getting up after sitting not only disrupts the boarding flow but can also potentially delay takeoff, even if only a few passengers do it.

Man in Black Leather Jacket At The AirportKelly, Pexels

Use The Restroom Before Boarding The Plane

This sounds simple enough, but people still wait until they get on the plane to use the restroom. If this happens during boarding, it can affect departure times. Airport restrooms are much larger and more comfortable to use, so take advantage of them before boarding instead of a tiny, awkward in-flight lavatory.

Arrival Area Zone at Hong Kong AirportYF2013, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Remember: An Airplane Is A Public Space

Airlines try to maximize the small space on an airplane to accommodate hundreds of people. Passengers sometimes forget that they are in public and become inconsiderate of other passengers within the limited space they occupy. Sharing spaces such as overhead bins, under-seat stowage, or even elbow rests are all part of working together in public spaces.

Passengers Boarding A PlaneChris Brignola, Pxhere


Flight Attendants Have Limitations To Their Job

A flight attendant can only manage so much during your flight, and many issues fall outside their responsibilities. Matters like lost baggage, rebooking flights, reroutes, delays, or maintenance issues are beyond their control and not part of their job scope. They can help redirect you to the proper channels, but they don’t have answers for everything.

A flight attendant opening an airplane doorChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Flickr

Follow Boarding Directions For Better Efficiency

Some people may skirt the boarding process thinking they are above them, but those announcements you hear in the airport are important for several reasons. Announcements like having your passports and boarding tickets ready help expedite the line, so if you decide to just search for them when you get to the front desk, you are taking up precious boarding time.

Flight attendant performing safety presentationDelta News Hub, Flickr

Don’t Include Your Flight Attendant On Your Social Media

Airlines have strict social media policies for their flight attendants and staff, but the passengers have carte blanche on videoing and picture-taking. But just because the rules for passengers are lax doesn’t mean your flight attendant wants to be part of your YouTube prank video or appear on your Instagram page.

Young woman sitting with phone on the aircraftRossHelen, Shutterstock


They’re Not Interested In Romantic Encounters With Passengers

Stop hitting on flight attendants because they are not looking to hook up with every passenger they meet. They are being friendly because it’s part of the job description, so don’t mistake it for an invitation to make mile-high jokes—that’s just bad form.

Flight Attendants Posing for Aurora AirlinesVera.vvo, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

You Cannot Sit Anywhere You Want

A big no-no on flights is not sticking to your assigned seat or assuming you can switch seats without asking. Open seating is not a thing on flights, so stick to your assigned seat until everyone is boarded, and then bring up the topic of seat swapping to a flight attendant—within reason of course.

Passenger cabin of an Interjet Sukhoi SuperjetSuperJet International, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Prepare For What You Need During The Flight

Making sure you have enough of everything you need during your flight is vital and you cannot expect flight attendants to have extra diapers or medication on board. Being prepared for your flight is your responsibility, so quit making preventable emergencies for flight attendants to troubleshoot.

Passengers On A Plane TravellingJoe Shlabotnik, Flickr


You Are Not The Only Person Flying

Social media has sparked a trend of vlogging and video-making during flights, leading to constant photo-taking and loud commentary about jet lag or travel experiences. Narrating your entire flight for YouTube not only alienates other passengers, but the lack of consideration for those around you—especially in such a confined space—creates an uncomfortable atmosphere for everyone, including the crew.

An Inside of United Airlines Cabin SchemeCaribb, Flickr

Flight Attendants Come From Diverse Demographics

There is a common stereotype that flight attendants are all white females in their early 20s, single, partying in every city, and arguing all the time. This is simply untrue, according to Ashely, who is 39, Hispanic, and married. Many flight attendants are mature, and the average age is 46 for women and 44 for men.

Female Flight attendants posing outdoorsDelta News Hub, Flickr

They May Rally The Support Of Other Passengers

When passengers behave badly, sometimes a flight attendant may indirectly elicit the support of fellow passengers in their quest to calm unruly individuals. Beth, a flight attendant says, “You disarm an unruly passenger by introducing yourself, asking his name and saying something like, ‘I’ve been incredibly nice to you for three hours. Why are you treating me like this?’” Other passengers may applaud or speak up in defense of the flight attendant.

Jetstar's cabin crew membersJetstar Airways, Flickr


Download And Use The Airline App For Updates

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about your flight, consider using the airline's app, if available. It provides essential details such as your gate number, any delays, and other relevant flight information, making your travel experience smoother. Often, this information is updated before the airline employees at the desk have access to it.

Young Guy Flying in A Plane Near A WindowGaudiLab, Shutterstock

Don’t Make Flight Attendants Repeat The Drink Menu For Every Guest

Help make a flight attendant's job easier by paying attention when they share information about service items, such as the drink menu. Since attendants often find themselves repeating the same information throughout the flight, it’s more efficient to ask for a specific drink rather than requesting the entire list. This way, they can simply respond with a “no” if it’s unavailable, saving time for both you and them.

Business Class In-flight Menu in AirplaneMatt@CKG, Flickr

Turbulence Can Scare Flight Attendants Too

Even the most experienced flight attendants can feel anxious during severe turbulence. While they may seem calm and composed, it doesn't mean they aren't feeling discomfort; their training emphasizes maintaining a calm demeanor in tense situations. If a flight attendant were to show visible distress during turbulence, it could easily cause panic among passengers throughout the cabin.

Interior of a Flight During a TurbulenceStelaDi, Pxhere


The Starting Pay Can Be Very Low

Flight attendants work incredibly hard to make sure flights run smoothly for passengers and those entering the industry don’t get paid very much. The average starting wage for many attendants ranges between $11 to $20 an hour. While Delta began paying some cabin staff during boarding in 2021, this isn’t standard across all airlines.

Delta Airlines Flight attendants poseDelta News Hub, Flickr

Your Safety Is Their Number One Priority

Flight attendants always want to make sure your flight is comfortable and enjoyable but your safety is their primary responsibility. They cannot fulfill every request you have, so please do not treat them like your personal assistant, dinging every second for things, or like a housekeeper—do the bare minimum, and clean up after yourself.

A male Aboriginal Australian Jetstar flight attendantJetstar Airways, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

They Cringe Every Time They See You Overstuffing The Overhead Bin

One flight attendant, Beth B, mentions how passengers create negative first impressions by stuffing their carry-on luggage in the overhead bin that is full and then “… leave it sticking out six inches, then take your seat at the window and wait for someone else—me!—to come along and solve the physics problem you just created”. Avoid this by asking for assistance and creating a positive first impression with your flight attendant.

Overstuffed Overhead Bins in a PlaneNewbieRunner, Flickr


Let Them Know If You’re A Nervous Flier

Do you get the flying jitters or are you flying for the first time? No worries! Flight attendants can help to ease nervous flying pangs, according to flight attendant and Reddit user u/gwinny: “I give passengers as much information about flying as possible … I explain that turbulence is just potholes in the sky”. When travelers learn the mechanics of flying, this can sometimes quell the fear of flying.

Woman with aerophobia in airplane cabinr.classen, Shutterstock

Maintain Social Etiquette While Seated

If you thought being polite to the flight attendant ended when boarding, think again. Even if it’s a quick smile while they pass the aisle or paying attention to the safety instructions, continue to practice kindness—it goes a long way.

Cabin Crew Service in A PlaneAustrian Airlines, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Try To Store Your Bags Close To Your Seat

Nothing is more annoying to flight attendants than when you store your bags far away from your seat. While it might be tempting to store your goods in the first available bin 40 seats away from yours, it’s a selfish act. In the end, this slows everyone down at deboarding as the front passengers need to work backward to get their belongings.

Passengers Storing Their Luggage Inside the Overhead BinPew Nguyen, Pexels


Bring Your Own Water Bottle On The Plane

It’s important to stay hydrated while flying and to drink eight ounces of water every hour you're in the air. Bringing your water bottle saves you money in the long run since you can refill after customs and is an indication you take your health seriously—plus you help the environment.

Steward bringing water on planeChiara Coetzee, Flickr

They Cannot Provide You With Any Medication

In the confined, pressurized environment of an airplane, altitude can cause symptoms that might require Aspirin or anti-nausea medication. However, flight attendants are legally prohibited from providing such items to passengers. To be prepared, it's essential to pack any medication you may need in case you experience discomfort while flying.

Medical kit for passengerslitabit, Shutterstock

Hold Your Coat In Your Lap

Flight attendant Elisa Williamson recommends keeping your coat with you while everyone is boarding. Once the plane is in the air, it’s easier to find a spot to sneak your jacket into so you don’t take up precious cabin space at the beginning of boarding with your oversized jacket.

A Woman Next To Window SeatUnknown Author, Pxhere


Pick Your Seats Carefully

Paying a little extra for a seat may pay off during a flight. Are you a frequent restroom user? Then the aisle seat is your best option. Do you like to sleep on the plane? Pick a window seat for better coverage. Do you get cold often? Stay away from drafty emergency exit windows or front cabin doors in first class.

Airplane Cabin With People SittingKelly, Pexels

They Prefer The Middle Seat Empty

Another great piece of advice from flight attendants is to select a window seat and aisle seat, leaving the middle seat open. Generally, if the flight is full, the middle passenger has no issues moving to an aisle so you can sit next to your partner. For an empty flight, you just gained three seats.

A close up of a Middle Plane SeatGus Ruballo, CC0, Wikimedia Commons

Ditch Wearing Shorts On The Flight

Airplanes are typically cold environments and when you wear shorts, you may not be guaranteed a blanket. If traveling to warmer destinations, pack your shorts in your carry-on and change at the airport. Best advice—bring a light jacket or sweater with you just in case.

Passengers arriving in British Virgin IslandsJoe Shlabotnik, Flickr


They Will Not Let You Board Loaded

Had too many margaritas at the airport lounge and now you’re weaving in and out of the boarding line? Just an FYI, if passengers show visible signs of inebriation, they can be denied boarding access. Pilots do have the final say about who boards their airplanes but take recommendations from their flight attendants very seriously.

People Walking Inside AirlineMarkus Winkler, Pexels

Place Your Dirty Tissues In The Garbage

No one likes to touch dirty tissue from strangers, so please, next time you blow your nose or disinfect your seat with Lysol wipes, either place them in the sick bag or wait for the flight attendant to come around with the trash bag. It may seem like common sense, but this is one disgusting habit flight attendants wish people would curb. Do not, under any circumstances, hand the tissues to them directly—keep your germs to yourself and place them in the bag.  

Blonde Caucasian woman sneezing while flyingMatej Kastelic, Shutterstock


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