The Most Cursed Explorer In History

The Horrors He Faced Never Defeated Him

Born in 1835, Ernest Giles was one of history's most cursed explorers—but his fourth expedition brought him face to face with a real-life nightmare.

He Wasn't Born In Australia

Though he would eventually be known as "the last of the Australian explorers," Ernest Giles wasn't actually born in Australia. On July 20, 1835, his parents William and Jane welcomed him into their lives—and young Giles spent most of his youth growing up in Bristol, England. Little did he know, his destiny lay in a far-off country.

Grayscale Portrait Photo of the Australian explorer Ernest Giles

State Government Photographer, Wikimedia Commons

His Family Struggled To Get By

Giles's family moved to Adelaide, Australia—for quite a disheartening reason. Though they'd managed to get by quite swimmingly in London, their fortunes took a worrying downturn.

Therefore, a fresh start in a new country seemed like the perfect way to turn things around.

Luckily, their risky decision paid off.

An aerial view of Adelaide in 1935, looking over the Adelaide railway station
D. Darian Smith, Wikimedia Commons

He Moved To A New Country

At the age of 15, Giles joined his parents in Australia. Both of his parents had tasted sweet success with their careers: His father William found a job with HM Customs, and his mother Jane began her very own school for girls. But for Giles, finding his true calling came with a few twists and turns.

Aerial view of Adelaide looking south-west from above the University of Adelaide

State Government Photographer, Wikimedia Commons

He Had A Revelation

In 1852, Giles tried his hand at multiple fields of work. Not only did he take a chance on the Victorian goldfields but he also got a taste of clerical work. However, a revelation began to dawn on him—one that only comes with growing up and realizing what path in life suits one best.

A photo of a Chinese mining operation at Guildford, Victoria

Richard Daintree, Wikimedia Commons