January 21, 2025 | Mark Schilling

How The Spartans Got So Terrifying

The Spartans: Terror Of Ancient Greece

“Spartan” has come to mean living with few comforts and that severity of lifestyle is the typical image of the ancient Spartans. When we think of the Spartans, we think of fierce warriors, fighting through pain and hardship, living for battle. But were the Spartans really so fearsome, standing above all the other Ancient Greek city-states?


The Battle Of Thermopylae

The Battle of Thermopylae is where much of the legend of Sparta was forged. In a three-day battle with the Persian Empire, the Spartans fought to the last man. The Spartans were defeated but their tenacity made them immortal.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


The Best Warriors

Beyond that battle, the Spartans were feared by many of the other Greek city-states. The Spartans were regarded as the greatest warriors, and it was best to avoid them.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

The Spartan Lifestyle

A big part of this reputation came from the Spartan lifestyle, how their society was structured, and most importantly, how Spartan boys were trained from a young age to be warriors. The extreme and cruel education system and training regimes were shocking even to other Greek city-states.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

The Agoge

A big part of that training was centered around the Agoge—the education system used for most Spartan boys. The Agoge’s one goal was to instill values and virtues of a military life. What was valued over all other things was strength, endurance and esprit de corps—the bonding and solidarity that comes with years of training as a unified group.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Cruel And Barbaric

To our way of thinking, those methods of education were cruel and barbaric, and turned the childhood of Spartan boys into a traumatic experience. That is, of course, if they survived infancy.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Warriors From Birth

One of the most notorious practices of Spartan society was the development of warriors right from birth. Male infants were examined by Spartan elders for their suitability. If the infant was well-built and sturdy, they were allowed to live.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

The Fate Of Unsuitable Babies

Disturbingly, if the baby was deemed to be unhealthy, sickly, or weak, or if it had any kind of birth defect, he was rejected. Those who were felt to be unworthy were left to die at the foot of a mountain, although some sources say they were left at the edge of a cliff.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Starting Their Education

Spartan boys judged as worthy were raised by their families. At the age of seven, the parents turned the boys over to the state. They were organized into regimental companies where they lived, trained, and studied together.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Obedience Without Question

If a boy distinguished himself early on as courageous, he was made captain of the company. The other boys in the company followed him without question. They obeyed his orders and were physically punished if they failed to fall in line.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Solidarity And Loyalty

The whole point of this was obedience and solidarity. Nothing was more important to the Spartans than living exclusively for the group. Obedience to the leader was crucial but equally important was loyalty to the group.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


The Spartan Education System

Accounts of the Spartan education system were of fascination to other city-states and not always seen as something to emulate. The other Greeks claimed that other aspects of education were sacrificed for their training, although this is not entirely true.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Other Aspects Of Their Education

Although the emphasis was on fighting, Spartan boys did receive education in reading, writing, math, as well as music and art. The Spartans were hardly illiterate or without culture, but military life did dominate most of their society.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Toughening Up

One aspect of this type of education was to toughen the boys up—quite literally. They were barefoot and rarely bathed. They used ointments or oils common to the time. As such, their skin became hardened and dry.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Endurance Tests

The boys were given one flimsy cloak to wear year-round. This was to ensure they could endure all extremes of temperature without complaint. Marches, which would last for days, would be accompanied by sleeping outside on beds they made from plants they ripped out of the ground with their bare hands.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Building Physiques

As the boys matured into teenagers, their exercise regime became more extreme. Building their bodies became a singular goal. Spartan youth received regular inspections, while undressed, and those who were judged insufficiently fit were flogged.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Sports And Training

Sports were an important aspect of Spartan training. Barefoot races and grueling wrestling matches were a daily experience. One activity involved the boys trying to push each other off a platform or sometimes a small island, by kicking, punching, gouging or even biting each other.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Never Retreating

Winning fights among each other was key to positioning themselves in the ranks and all methods of fighting were acceptable. The goal was to make certain that future Spartan warriors never backed down or retreated.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Their Diet

Their diet was also designed to instill hardships. This, again, was to make them tough. Luxury was seen as weak and that included food. While building their physiques was crucial, it was also important that they remain lean. It was believed that while building muscles through strength training was important, keeping the boys slim would enable them to grow tall.

Young Spartan sportsmenPHAS, Getty Images

Stealing Food

There was another purpose for depriving Spartan boys of sufficient food: it was expected that they would steal food to make up for their meager rations. This was to teach them self-reliance, but also to be brutally unfeeling to those they stole from.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Building Comradery

Comradery was also a goal, as boys would steal in teams. Sometimes, they would share food in solidarity, while other times, the stronger boys would keep all the stolen food themselves. Both outcomes were acceptable.

Spartan boys practicing archeryUniversal History Archive, Getty Images

Being Caught

The stealing was meant to teach the boys cunning as well, but if they were caught, they were severely punished. However, they were not punished for theft. Rather, they were punished for being caught.

Young Spartan sportsmenPHAS, Getty Images

Cunning And Stealth

Punishment, usually harsh and physical, was a routine part of the Spartan training system. As Spartan society developed, the aspect of stealing to show cunning and stealth became an annual ritual.

Young Spartans Exercising National GalleryEdgar Degas, Wikimedia Commons


Annual Ritual

Spartan boys would try to steal cheeses from a temple altar. This would involve evading guards who were armed with whips. The goal was only partially to successfully steal from the altar.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Endurance Of Punishment

The other crucial aspect of the ritual involved the endurance of punishment. To be whipped was seen as a test of courage. They were publicly flogged and they were expected to not respond to the pain, to be stoic.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Courage And Endurance

Boys were often excited to be punished because it gave them a chance to show their mettle. They could demonstrate their courage and ability to endure any type of pain. This was another important way to advance in rank and prestige.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Trial By Ordeal

The Agoge was an important aspect of the Spartan male’s life. It was a trial by ordeal and those that succeeded would be selected for the communal dining groups that their lives revolved around. The idea of comradery was an important aspect of communal dining, and it was with this that the Spartan boy became a warrior and Spartan citizen.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Citizenship meant that the Spartan was part of the elite. Food and a home were provided by the state. He could vote and hold higher office.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Failing The Agoge

If a boy failed the Agoge, he was denied citizenship. He would need to fend for himself and his family and he could not vote. However, he was still required to fulfill military duty, however, just not in the elite fighting units.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Were They The Best?

Did this mean that the Spartans were the best fighters? Ultimately, the focus of the Agoge wasn’t just to train boys to be tough, but to make Spartan men obedient. They were willing to sacrifice everything for the state.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Spirit Of Harmony

While extreme, the one thing the Agoge did do was instill a spirit of harmony, cooperation, and comradery among Spartans. In this, they stood out from other city-states, who all had armies but would also rely on mercenaries at times as well.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Stamina And Strength

The Spartans were fit. This was emphasized from early on and it benefited Spartan warriors in their training. They had stamina and strength and could fight in any weather without rest.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Enduring Hardship

In addition to fitness, the Spartan warrior could endure a great deal of pain and discomfort. It was a badge of honor to suffer in silence and to endure any hardship. But it wasn’t just their fitness or their endurance that made them so fierce.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


After the Agoge, the successful Spartan youth began their actual training. This was a key to their success as their military organization was unparalleled. Their years of training as boys prepared them for endless training as adults.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


Spartans drilled relentlessly. They worked until each maneuver was flawless and the tactics they learned could be executed with perfection. The solidarity and unity they developed as boys served their later training well.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


A Fearsome Reputation

The reputation the Spartans had among their enemies and other city-states was a result of their superiority in tactical maneuvering. This was something that their opponents often lacked.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

Training Throughout Their Lives

The training continued throughout their adult lives. Spartans lived within their regiments. They did not live their lives for themselves.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)


If a Spartan warrior lived to be 60, he could retire. Up until then, their lives essentially belonged to the state. Depending on his successes as a warrior and as a citizen, he could live well in retirement.

March Of The Spartan ArmyWard, Wikimedia Commons



With that precision and tactical perfection came an inflexibility. The Spartan training involved endless drills of a limited number of maneuvers. But when those tactics failed on the battlefield, the Spartans were often left with no alternatives.

Screenshot of the movie 300 (2006)Warner Bros., 300 (2006)

The Legend Lives On

Sparta eventually fell as a superior force. Their decline started in 371, after a brutal defeat by the Thebans—facing an enemy using creative tactics, the Spartans could not adapt. Nevertheless, the fearsome reputation of the Spartans has lived on through history and they remain an inspiration for people even in these modern times.

Spartan fiction helmetDavid C Azor, Shutterstock


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