Deep In The Earth’s Mantle, Researchers Think They Found The Remains Of An Ancient Planet
Ancient Planetary Remains
Scientists have been puzzled by the Earth’s origins for centuries and searched for answers buried deep within its layers. Could there be a secret buried deep inside its mantle?

What Lies Beneath
Without the right tools and equipment, it was impossible to determine what could have been buried within the Earth’s mantle. Thanks to new advancements in seismology, we can have more answers now. And great new discoveries.

A Solid Interior
Seismic waves move through the Earth and have told us a lot about its interior. It’s mostly made of silicate rock but it behaves like a viscous liquid. However, studies showed mysterious masses that made scientists question their findings.

Mysterious Structures Were Found
Deep within Earth's mantle lie enigmatic formations known as Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs). These vast, continent-sized regions are characterized by seismic waves traveling at unusually slow speeds through them to indicate differences in composition or temperature compared to the surrounding mantle.

What Could They Be?
Located beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean, LLSVPs have intrigued geophysicists for years due to their potential influence on mantle convection, plate tectonics, and surface volcanism. Understanding these structures is essential, as they may hold clues to Earth's formation and its dynamic geological processes.